
Get started

Coassemble Headless provides a way to embed rich learning content that you have created in Coassemble in your own platform. It can also optionally provide a white-labelled course creation tool right in your own platform. For a more detailed explanation about Coassemble Headless and it's potential use cases, please see this page

The following is guide on how to setup a basic implementation of Coassemble Headless in a few simple steps.

1. Create courses

Begin by creating courses in Coassemble. We will fetch these courses in an upcoming step to display them in your platform.

2. Get your API credentials

If you haven't already, enable Headless in your workspace by navigating to the Add-ons section of the settings menu and clicking on Headless. You will initially be in 'test mode' allowing you to configure your implementation before purchasing and going live.

Once you have completed the entry survey and enabled Headless, you will be shown your API credentials including your user ID and API key. Store these securely as we will not show them again.

If you lose your API credentials, you can regenerate them at any time from this settings menu.

3. Fetch your courses via the API

Using the API credentials you obtained in the previous step, you can now fetch your courses via the API.

For full details on this endpoint, please see the API reference documentation.

Request example
const response = await fetch(
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'COASSEMBLE-V1-SHA256 UserId={USER_ID}, UserToken={API_KEY}'

const courses = await response.json();
Response example (truncated)
        "id": 1234,
        "title": "Understanding Software",
        "description": null,
        "image": "...",
        "thumbnail": "...",
        "active": true,
        "identified": false,
        "private": false,
        "key": "YOURCOURSEKEY",
        "source": null,
        "emails": []

4. Request a signed URL to embed your course

Now that you have your courses, you can request a signed URL to embed one of them in your platform.

Note that you must also pass an identifier parameter. It is recommended that you use a unique identifier from within your system such as a user ID.

For full details on this endpoint, please see the API reference documentation.

Request example
const response = await fetch(
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'COASSEMBLE-V1-SHA256 UserId={USER_ID}, UserToken={API_KEY}'

const url = await response.json();
Response example

5. Embed the course URL in your platform

Finally, you can embed the signed URL you received in the previous step in your platform.

🎉 You're now ready to embed Coassemble courses in your platform!

To refine your implementation, see the API reference documentation for more advanced features and use cases.

Embedding a course
<iframe src="https://coassemble.com/embed/{TOKEN}" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

6. Handle progress events (optional)

When embedding courses for viewing as a learner, you can optionally handle progress events. This allows you to track the progress of your users through the content, and respond in your application accordingly.

sessionready Fires when the course player is mounted and ready to use.
coursestart Fires when a course is started.
progress Fires when the progress of the course changes. Note that progress only ever increases and will not decrease if the user navigates backwards.
feedback Fires when a course feedback is selected. Note that this will fire multiple times if the user changes their selection.
completed Fires when a course is completed.
screenstart Fires when a screen is started which is when it comes into view
end Fires when a screen is navigated away from.
complete Fires when a screen is completed. For some screen types, this may be when the screen is viewed, for others it may be when the learner completes the screen requirements.
answer Fires when a screen question is answered. Only applies to Quiz type.
retry Fires when a screen is retried. Only applies to Quiz type.
Listening for progress events
window.addEventListener('message', message => {
    if (message.origin !== 'https://coassemble.com') return;

    const payload = JSON.parse(message.data);
    if (data.type === 'course') {
        if (data.event === 'progress') {
            // Handle progress event
        if (data.event === 'complete') {
            // Handle complete event
Progress event example
    "type": "course", // [course, screen]
    "event": "complete", // [start, end, progress, complete]
    "data": {
        "id": 123, // Object ID
        "progress": 100, // Progress percentage as an integer
        "completed": true // Whether the object is completed

7. Request a signed URL to embed our course creation tool (optional)

If you would like to allow your users to create courses in your platform, you can request a signed URL to embed our course creation tool. Note that you must have Headless course creation enabled in your workspace to use this feature.

The identifier parameter is also required for the edit action. It is recommended that you use the same unique identifier from within your system such as a user ID. You can optionally pass this identifier as a parameter when fetching courses to fetch only courses created by that user.

The id parameter is optional. If provided, the course builder will open with the course specified. If not provided, the course builder will open with a new course.

The colorPrimary and colorSecondary parameters are optional. If provided, the course builder will open themed with the specified colors. These colors will also apply to the default theme in the Design drawer.

You may also pass a flow parameter to specify the flow of the course builder.

ai Open course builder with the AI flow. This flow will guide the user through creating a course using our AI-powered course creation tool.
document Open course builder with the document flow. This flow will guide the user through creating a course by converting a document.
preview Open course builder in preview-only mode. This flow will allow the user to preview a course without being able to edit it.

Similar to embedding a learner course, you may also optionally listen for events:

coursecreated Fires when a course is first created.
courseupdated Fires when a course is updated.
back— Fires when the Back button is clicked.
sessionready Fires when the course builder is mounted and ready to use.
sessionerror Fires when an error occurs in the course builder.
sessionexpired Fires when an error occurs due to an expired session.

For full details on this endpoint, please see the API reference documentation.

Request example
const response = await fetch(
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'COASSEMBLE-V1-SHA256 UserId={USER_ID}, UserToken={API_KEY}'

const data = await response.json();
Response example
Listening for events
window.addEventListener('message', message => {
    if (message.origin !== 'https://coassemble.com') return;

    const payload = JSON.parse(message.data);
    if (data.type === 'back') {
        // Close the builder in your application